Amazon Redshift

Deprecated: The current method of Connecting is scheduled to be replaced by using-Upload Method

The following steps enable users to connect Single Origin to Amazon Redshift. To set up a connection, you will need to use Password authentication with Redshift.


Single Origin Connector

An admin will need to set up a Redshift user for Single Origin & connect using that user.

  1. Log in to your Redshift Console.
  2. Navigate to "Amazon Redshift > Clusters > > Network and security settings." First, edit the VPC Security Group to allow Single Origin's IPs to access the Redshift service. Then, turn on Public IP Addressing by choosing "Enable" on an Elastic IP address. Save your changes.
  3. Create a user with Password authentication type by running CREATE USER single-origin-user PASSWORD <desired-password>;.
  4. Grant the user privileges.
  5. Now return to the Single Origin app and log in to your account. Navigate to Settings > Single Origin Connectors > Create Connector Settings.
  6. Add a name for your Single Origin Connector.
  7. Select Redshift as the datastore.
  8. Enter the username and password you created in Step 3.
  9. Using the JDBC URL from your Redshift cluster details, fill in the server address.
  10. Using the Database configurations from your Redshift cluster, enter the Port.
  11. Using the Database configurations from your Redshift cluster, enter the Database name.
  12. Click Create. Your Redshift cluster is now connected.
Redshift Database configurations

Redshift Database configurations

Redshift Setup

Redshift Setup Form in Single Origin

Personal Connector

Each user on your Single Origin instance can setup a personal connector using their username and password, along with the following settings from the Single Origin Connector:

  • Server Address
  • Port
  • Database